AiShelter, LLC - Ai Insurance

Reduce the uncertainty of your
Artificial Intelligence

Developing the first commercially available, no-fault artificial intelligence liability insurance for both businesses and individuals.

Insurtech Connect

Las Vegas | Oct 15 - Oct 17, 2024

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AiShelter at ITC Vegas 2024

Artificial Intelligence Liability Insurance Like No One Else

Aishelter's innovative products are fully customizable to fit all coverage needs and any budget. We understand that no individual or business is the same, our insurance experts factor in your unique risk features to ensure you are protected. Get tailored policy suggestions based on your occupation and risk profile. AiShelter's proprietary individual and business artificial intelligence risk scores, are an assessment of your current vulnerability to the risks associated with the utilization, development or deployment of artificial intelligence.

Explore our Artificial Intelligence
Liability Insurance

AiShelter - Ai Insurance
Traditional or Existing Policies

Your traditional or existing insurance policies are silent on the topic of artificial intelligence. This means they neither cover or exclude losses derived from artificial intelligence. Leaving totally ambiguity if your AI claims will be paid.

AiShelter - Ai Insurance
AiShelter Individual and Business Plans

Coverage through AiShelter's individual or business plans provide affirmative AI liability insurance coverage for a variety of different loss scenarios. Ensure you have proper artificial intelligence liability insurance coverage for when you need it most.

We've got you covered

We offer flexible coverage options that you can customize to meet your needs

AiShelter - Ai Insurance

Financial loss protection for end users of AI models, helps pay for certain AI incident related damages, injuries and legal defenses, inclusive of certain benefits to protect against social engineering and misinterpretations or negligence of third parties.

AiShelter - Ai Insurance

Financial loss protection for businesses developing or deploying AI models, helps pay for certain damages related to AI incidents, legal costs associated with AI related incident damages, injuries and regulatory fines. Inclusive of certain benefits to protect against prompt engineering and loss from business interruptions.

Unlock the Power of AI, Mitigate the Risks.

powered by AiShelter.

Empowering AI Development and Insurance with Innovative Technology and Expertise.

Cogman is a revolutionary suite of solutions that empowers both AI development companies and insurance companies to navigate the evolving world of AI risk. Through advanced analytics, data management, and AI-powered insights, Cogman helps:

AI Developers

AI Developers: Build, manage, and secure your AI systems with confidence, knowing you're meeting industry, regulatory and legal standards, in addition to ethical guidelines.

AI Developers

Insurance Companies: Price and underwrite AI liability risk accurately, offering innovative and comprehensive insurance solutions.

Learn How Cogman Can Empower Your Business

Contact AiShelter to Learn More or Request a Demo

Discover the power of AI Insurance today.

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